Step 19 - Help protect and update your PC. Choose your preferred option and click next.
Step 22 - Sign in to your PC. Here you can login to your PC using a Microsoft emailaccount such as your hotmail account.If you do not have a Microsoft account you can create one by clicking Sign up for a new email address. Go to
Step 23 If you don't want to create an email account and prefer to create a local user name, clickSign in without a Microsoft account. Go to step 24.
Step 23 - Sign up for a new email address. If you want to create a new email account you need to complete the form below.
Step 24 - Click local account
Step 25 - Here you can choose a local user name and password. Choose finish to continue.
Step 26 - At this stage Windows starts to finalize your settings. You will get the following information screen as the installation moves forward.
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